Robotics Release The Pressure Of Inspections
In many instances, inspection work on process vessels and tanks on offshore oil and gas rigs have required shutting down the platform to facilitate manual inspection – a process that is often time-consuming, unproductive, costly and of course, extremely hazardous.
But innovative robotics technology and remote inspection systems could deliver far safer, more cost-effective, more reliable and more feasible solutions.
According to a recent article in Offshore Technology, one survey claimed that non-intrusive inspection technology could deliver annual cost benefits over $420 million to the UK Continental Shelf*. The study claimed that up to 80% of North Sea vessels could be inspected without requiring a shutdown.
Another article on the BBC’s website discussed how oil and gas giant, Total is running an 18-month trial using robots for inspecting its North Sea platforms with the aim of extending the technology to all of its platforms and industrial sites by 2020**.
Plenty of development work is underway to find inspection methodologies that are safer, more cost-effective, more flexible and more sustainable than human capital and already, there are advanced products on the market that deliver a host of benefits.
Take the Crystal Cam range of cameras and robotic systems for example.
These innovative solutions have already proved their worth in the field time and again. They’re compact, transportable and simple to use yet they deliver accurate and reliable results in the most demanding and hazardous environments.
Improved safety, faster inspection time and less disruption are just some of the benefits of these robotic crawlers and because they reduce – and often eliminate – the need to shut down operations, the cost of inspections and maintenance can be substantially decreased.
To see a vertical pipe crawler in action, have a look at these videos from Inuktun Services and . You’ll soon get the picture as to just how effective robotic technology is in performing inspections and removing debris in the most challenging offshore environments.
We carry an extensive range of these advanced robotic crawlers and cameras and you can find out more from our experienced technical specialists by contacting us.